Saturday 10 December 2011

Visit To Tilonia

                            The Futuristic Indian Village

As the morning sun was coming out of its mystical abode and the birds had just started chirping in the cold morning breeze we travelled to the incredible and enlightening Bare-Foot College in Tiloniya village founded by the eminent Bunker Roy near Ajmer on 20th November for a mesmerizing and life time experience. 
Being with the village people who were technically more advanced, creative and knowledgeable as compared to us yet so humble made us feel delightful. Our guide for the College was a local villager Bhag Chand Ji.  We were amused when we came across some village ladies working on parabolic solar cookers, solar water heaters, solar dryers etc and it reached to the maximum level when one of them started describing the complicated time clock mechanism with zeal and enthusiasm. Moving on we visited the Computer workshop where village women were teaching computer to people from foreign countries. Their knowledge and perfection on it made us all applaud for them.
Bhag Chand Ji showed and explained the age old mechanism of converting thread (cotton - soot) into cloth as we continued to explore the place. At the Carpentry workshop we saw entire range of well finished toys, especially designed to teach village kids in a simpler yet effective manner. It was very nostalgic to see those small aeroplanes, math’s balance, mouth organ and many more. We were dumbstruck to see the Electronics workshop were people from around the globe were working together on solar lamps, solar panels and many other devices with full dedication. The thing which impressed us all was firstly as most of them were from different countries like Kenya, Nepal and many African countries yet they communicated with one another through sign language so effectively and secondly, the person leading them was not a Professor but a handicapped villager.
As we travelled in the future Indian village we came across an alluring  workshop named Kabad Se Jugador Best out of Waste proclaiming that “Nothing is Unwanted”. With magical touch handicapped villagers were converting waste material to useful articles.
After a mouth watering and delicious lunch Daal- Chawal-Saag-Roti cooked in solar cookers we were all set to meet Dr. Leilani Lea from U.K. A specialist in accu- punctures who had come there from U.N.O. to train villagers. It was a pleasure learning some of the basic techniques from her which actually comforted us.
The college is all solar lighted and has the largest library of rural India containing variety of informative books, novels and about 120 magazines. Further, we learned about the rain water harvesting tank and a small farm equipped with drip irrigation system which was being used their technically sounder than in any of our so called developed cities. The Local hospital was all managed by villagers mostly handicapped. The dentistry of it was famous which was managed by an elderly woman of the village. Holding our breath we travelled in their Craft emporium which was indeed commendable.
The adventure level had risen to maximum when we saw Maruth Fighter Jet (Similar to Mig-21) which was gifted to the founder as a token of respect by the Indian Air Force.
Though travelling back to the real world was the only option but, we left the futuristic Indian village Tiloniya with lots of knowledge, experience and a spark in the heart to bring about a revolution in the present scenario and a ticket for our next time travel.

Sunday 27 November 2011

A meet with the Legend

This day had something special in it, we were supposed to meet the idol of almost every Indian Dr A P J Abdul Kalam sir, in his conference of ” What can I give” in collaboration with Yuva Unstoppable.It was like dream come true after hearing him live but there was more to fall in our kitty. There we got a chance to meet so many big (I must say “grand”)corporates from all over the country like CEOs of J P Morgan,Evosys,Asian Paints, Havmor,Mudra communications etc. Interactions with them left those indelible memories in my heart to be cherished throughout my life..
And soon we found ourselves landed up in the “Havmor” ice cream factory. Thanks to the very distinguished and esteemed personality Pradeep Chona sir!! Havmor or the name suggests Have more is an ice cream brand quenching everyone’s need through their diversified products. We took a tour of complete industry and looked upon the minutest details of  its manufacturing. Those huge machineries and ample number of workers reminded me of the golden days of RIICO survey in which we did tour of so many industries. The best part of Havmor was their accountability and transparency as they took us each and every measure taken to ensure the quality. Last but not the least they maintained their rapport in terms of the hospitality as they offered us some fresh black currant ice cream to eat. Though being tormented by the illness still I could not resist myself eating that !!
We propagated the concept of apple faces to them and they were full of appraisal for that and gave us their valuable tips to enhance this idea  for its proper functioning….

Hoping to make such tours again in the future..  FINGERS CROSSED !!
Members of apple faces with CEO of Havmor  icecream  "Mr. Pradeep Chona"

work for content design team

Work for content design department

The following tasks have been assigned to all the students of content design department. You can work individually or in group depending on your need.

1)    Making of a video of apple faces. the video should cover following points:
a.     What is apple faces
b.     Our mission
c.      Our vision
d.     Logo should be there
e.     What do we do at apple faces
f.       How apple faces promotes innovation
You can use internet and take the matter and pictures from us.
2)    Creating videos of all the three projects of apple faces. You can take help from the project incharge for this task.
3)    Publishing an apple faces newsletter. The newsletter must cover:
a.     Briefing of apple faces
b.     Progress report of apple faces
c.      About projects and their progress
d.     About all the visits of apple faces
4)    Creating a presentation for apple faces properly describing:
a.     Working of apple faces
b.     Hierarchy system
c.      Description of each department
d.     Working strategy at apple faces
e.     How apple faces helps society and promotes innovation
5)    Creation of logo of apple faces
6)    Creating layouts of websites on which web & it dpt is working.

work to be done by web & IT department

Work for web & it department

The following tasks have to be done by all the students of web & it department either individually or in a group depending on their need.

1)    Maintaining apple faces website: If the person in-charge of website feels the need for modifying the website, He can do so by informing the authorities.
2)    Maintaining apple faces blog: Blog has to be up to date. The information, pictures, videos of all apple faces, all the meetings and all the projects has to be uploaded on the blog.
3)    Keep the blog updated with news of latest technology, latest innovation. You need to search on internet about videos, pictures and articles of latest technology and post them on apple faces blog.
4)    Regular update of apple faces group on Facebook
5)    Designing apple faces logo
6)    Designing layouts for apple faces website
7)    Managing the apple faces database.
8)    Promotion of apple faces and its projects on internet. You can use Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, yahoo, webs and many other websites for creating advertisement of apple faces and promoting it as well as the projects.

The Heart of Apple Faces

The core committee of apple faces has been formed and following students have been selected into the core committee.

         1)       Arpita  Suyal                              2nd year               Drafting Committee
         2)       Naman Gupta                            2nd year               Drafting Committee
         3)       Arshee agarwal                          2nd year               Drafting Committee
         4)       Avinash                                       1st year                Drafting Committee
         5)       Rahul Jain                                  2nd year              Content Development
         6)       Rahul Khatwani                        1st year                Content Development
         7)       Praneti                                        1st tear                Content Development
         8)       Himanshu Mittal                       2nd year              Content Development
         9)       Jeeshan Ali                                 2nd year              Content development
        10)   Govind Sharma                           2nd year              Content Development
        11)   Rohit Gaur                                  2nd year              Funds & resource management
        12)   Yogesh Soni                                2nd year               Funds & resource management
        13)   Rahul Tak                                   1st year                Web & IT
        14)   Harshit Agarwal                        1st year                Web & IT
        15)   Manish Lakhara                        2nd year               Web & IT
        16)   Hitesh Nehra                              2nd year               Web & IT
        17)   Anirudh Sharma                       1st year                 Web & IT.
        18)   Nikita                                           1st year               Event management
        19)   Rashmi                                        1st year               Event management
        20)   Princy                                          1st year               Event Management
        21)   Rohit Sharma                             2nd year              Event Management
        22)   Saharsh Bhanawat                     2nd year              Event Management
        23)   Ankit Goyal                                2nd year              Event Management

Congratulations to all the students who have been selected. plz check your mails for the work assigned to you.
also keep visiting the blog as well as the website for regular updates.

Apple faces.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

orientation video

Interviews for selection

Apple faces is going to conduct its interview session on 17th november 2011. for selection into its core committee

All the interested students of 1st and 2nd year can come for the interview on the reception at 2:30 pm.

Apple faces

Monday 14 November 2011

Orientation apple faces

Apple faces club held its orientation session on 13th october 2011.

chief guest were: S.K .Calla sir(principal,SKIT,jaipur), prof M.L.Bhargava sir (Advisor, SKIT,jaipur)